Publikationen / Publications

Rat für Formgebung: German Design Award 2012. Die Gestalten Verlag (2012)
Rempen/Wippermann/Scholz: Das Jahr der Werbung 2014 – Band 51. Econ (2014)
Stefan/Rothfos/Westerveld: U1. Vom Schutzumschlag zum Marketinginstrument. Hermann Schmidt (2006)
Index Book: Selected A – Graphic Design from Europe. Index Book (2010)
Index Book: Basic identity. Index Book (2010)
Peter Zec: red dot International Yearbook Communication Design 2009/2010. avedition (2010)
Lapetino/Adam: Damn Good – Top Designers discuss their all-time favorite Projects. How Books (2012)
Kristin Cullen: Design Elements – Typography Fundamentals. Rockport Publishers (2012)
zeixs: Poster Design 2 (Design Cube Series). Feierabend Unique Books (2012)
Marc Praquin: Design and Design – Book of the Year 2013, Volume 6. Agence Praquin (2013)
Rat für Formgebung: Designpreis der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 2011. Die Gestalten Verlag (2011)
iF: Yearbook iF Communication Design Award 2010. Birkhäuser (2010)
Rempen/Wippermann/Scholz: Das Jahr der Werbung 2013 – Band 50. Econ (2013)
Index Book: Basic Promo. Index Book (2012)
Deutscher Designer Club (DDC): Gute Gestaltung/Good Design 10. Birkhäuser (2010)
Marc Praquin: Design and Design – Book of the Year 2012, Volume 5. Agence Praquin (2012)
Magma Brand Design: Typoshirt One. Index Book (2010)
zeixs: Logo 3 (Design Cube Series). Feierabend Unique Books (2012)
Rat für Formgebung: Designpreis der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 2009. Birkhäuser (2009)
Schalk/Thoma/Strahlendorf: Jahrbuch der Werbung 2012 – Band 49. Econ (2012)
zeixs: Best of Greeting Cards (Design Cube Series). Feierabend Unique Books (2011)
iF: Yearbook iF Communication Design Award 2007. Birkhäuser (2007)
zeixs: Graphic Design 3 (Design Cube Series). Feierabend Unique Books (2010)
Marc Praquin: Design and Design – Book of the Year 2010, Volume 3. Index Book (2010)
Marc Praquin: Design and Design – Book of the Year 2011, Volume 4. Index Book (2011)
Schalk/Thoma/Strahlendorf: Jahrbuch der Werbung 2009 – Band 46. Econ (2009)
zeixs: New Typography 2 (Design Cube Series). Feierabend Unique Books (2011)
zeixs: Websites 3 (Design Cube Series). Feierabend Unique Books (2011)
zeixs: Letterheads & Business Cards 2 (Design Cube Series). Feierabend Unique Books (2010)
favourite Design – The favourite Designers of the Year 2013. favourite Design (2014)
zeixs: T-Shirt Design 2 (Design Cube Series). Feierabend Unique Books (2011)
David E. Carter: Posters 1 – Bright Ideas from around the World. Bright Books (2012)
Marc Praquin: Design and Design – Book of the Year 2009, Volume 2. Index Book (2009)
Schalk/Thoma/Strahlendorf: Jahrbuch der Werbung 2008 – Band 45. Econ (2008)
David E. Carter: Graphic Designs 1 – Bright Ideas from around the World. Bright Books (2012)
David E. Carter: Logo 2.0 – 283 Logo Makeovers and the Design Strategy. Bright Books (2012)
David E. Carter: Logos 2 – Bright Ideas from around the World. Bright Books (2012)
David E. Carter: Posters 2 – Bright Ideas from around the World. Bright Books (2012)
David E. Carter: Business Cards 1 – Bright Ideas from around the World. Bright Books (2012)